Friday, 15 February 2013

Research Centers Of ICAR

S.No.ICAR Research Center Location Year Of Estb.Objective
 1National Research Centre on Plant BiotechnologyNew Delhi1985To undertake research, teaching and training personnel in the modern areas of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
 2 National Centre for Integrated Pest Management (NCIPM) New Delhi 1988To cater to the emerging plant protection needs of different agro-ecological zones of the country.
 3 National Research Center For CitrusNagpur  1985To undertake basic and applied research to develop technologies for improvement and increased productivity in citrus, etc.
 4 National Research Center for Grapes Pune 1977To undertake the programmes involving basic and strategic research for resolving the major biotic and abiotic constraints affecting the grapes production, productivity and sustain productivity and promote diversification to wine production and other value added products
 5 National Research Centre for Banana Tamil Nadu 1993To undertake basic and strategic research for developing technologies to enhance productivity and utilization of    Banana.
To develop improved cultivars through traditional and biotechnological methods and conserve the diversity.
 6 National Research Center on Seed species Ajmer2000 To conduct basic and strategic research to enhance production, productivity and quality of seed spices with special reference to export and domestic demand, etc.
 7 National Research Center on Pomegranate Maharashtra 2005To develop suitable varieties with high yield potential and quality fruits having resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses.
 8 National Research Center on Orchids  Sikkim 1996To collect, conserve, characterize and evaluate germplasm and develop National repository of orchids and bulbous flowering plants, etc.
 9 National Research Center for Agroforestry Uttar Pradesh 1988To under take basic and applied research for developing and delivering technologies based on sustainable agroforestry prctices on farms, marginal and wastelands for different agroclimatic zones in INDIA, etc.
National Camel Research Center
Rajasthan 1984To carryout basic and applied research on camel production and health as influenced by different farming practices, etc.
 11 National Research Centre on Equines Rajasthan 1985To improve and conserve Marwari Horses and also to produce french male Donkeys for improving indigenous donkeys and mule production.
 12National Research Center on MeatHyderabad 1999To conduct basic and applied research in the frontiner areas of meat science and technology and to
develop human resource for the fast
growing meat sector.
 13National Research Center on PigAssam ----To bring in excellence in pig production, health and product processing through innovative research in order to provide technology backstopping for enhanced pork production, employment generation and poverty reduction among socially and economically weaker sections through the medium of pig husbandry.
 14National Research Center on YakWest Kemang1989To establish a small herd of pure yaks to carry out observations on performances under range and semi-range systems of management, to conduct research on improvement of yak and its products though selection and breeding with exotic frozen semen, etc.
 15National Research Institute on MithunNagaland1988Identifiation, evaluation and characterization of mithun germplasm available in the country.
Conservation and improvement of mithun for meat and milk .
To act as a repository of germplasm and information centre on mithun.
 16National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NCAP)New Delhi1991To strengthen agricultural economics research through integration of economics input in planning, designing, and evaluation of agricultural research programs and enhancing the competence in agricultural policy analysis within the National Agricultural Research System.

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