Friday, 15 February 2013

Agricultural Research Centers In India

 S.No.Agricultural Research Center Abbr.Location Year Of Estb. Objective
 1Central Arid Zone Research InstituteCAZRIRajasthan1952To find ways to stabilising shifting sand dunes, establishing silipastoral and firewood plantations, planting windbreaks to reduce wind speed and subsequent erosion, rehabilitating degraded forests and starting afforestation of barren hill slopes.
 2Central Food Technological Research InstituteCFTRIMysore1950Employment generation, Food processing , Rural Development
Central Inland Fisheries Research InstituteCIFRIWest Bengal
To conduct investigations for a proper appraisal of inland fisheries resources of the country and to evolve suitable methods for their conservation and optimum utilization.
 4Central Institute for Cotton ResearchCICR
1976To characterize the bio-physical and socio-economic factors under the selected area of that Agro Ecological sub-region, To identify the agro-economic constraints in rainfed cotton based production system.
 5Central Institute for Research on Goats CIRGUttar Pradesh1929To plan, undertake, aid, promote and co-ordinate education, research and its application in agriculture, agroforestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, home science and allied sciences
Central Plantation Crops Research Institute
 To develop appropriate production, protection and processing technologies for coconut, arecanut and cocoa through basic and applied research,etc.
 7Directorate of Maize ResearchDMRNew Delhi 1994To carry out basic, strategic and applied research aimed at enhancement of production and productivity of maize crop in the country, etc.
  Directorate of Wheat Research

 Organize, evolve, coordinate and supervise research to develop and identify superior and high yielding varieties.

  Indian Agricultural Research Institute

 New Delhi
 Agriculture research, education, extension and information.
 Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute

New Delhi
estb. as full fledged national institute of ICAR in1978
 To provide statistical methodology for national agricultural statistics system of the country for generating crop statistics and livestock statistics.
 11Indian Institute of Forest ManagementIIFMBhopal1982To fulfill the growing need for managerial human resource in forest and allied sectors. IIFM has developed as an educational, research, training and consultancy organization and is gradually acquiring an internationally visible name.
 12National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementNAARMAndra Pradesh1976To build the capacity of India’s National Agricultural Research System in Research Management by providing online, non-formal, free and interactive learning opportunitie.
 13 National Botanical Research Institute

Uttar Pradeshfound as the National Botanic Gardens in 1948Creation of website on "Plants and Pollution" with regional language interface for easy accession of information, To document information in the form of database, newsletters, reports, To generate and disseminate information on "Plants and Pollution", To respond to the user queries on the subject, To co-ordinate with the focal point for supplying relevant and adequate information to end users.
 14National Bureau of Animal Genetic ResourcesNBAGRHaryana1984To conduct systematic surveys to characterise, evaluate and catalogue farm livestock and poultry genetic resources and to establish their National Data Base, etc.
 15National Bureau of Plant Genetic ResourcesNBPGRNew Delhi1976
To plan, organize, conduct and coordinate exploration and collection of indigenous and exotic plant genetic resources, To undertake introduction, exchange and quarantine of plant genetic resources, etc.
16National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy ResearchNCAPNew Delhi1991Enhance the availability of reliable household, individual and field specific, high frequency, time series data in selected villages and meso-level.     

National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management
To develop systematic linkages between state, regional, national and international institutions of outstanding accomplishments in the field of Agricultural Extension Management, et.
18National Institute of Agricultural MarketingNIAMRajasthan1988To undertake and study of applied and operational research in problem areas of agricultural marketing. To impart training, to various levels of functionaries involved in agricultural marketing activities.  To offer consultancy services to the State and Central Departments, Public Sector Undertakings, Cooperatives etc; in formulation of Projects, preparing Master Plans for States, Export Institutions, Traders and Farmers.
19Sugarcane Breeding InstituteSBITamil Nadu1912To evolve superior varieties of sugarcane suitable for various agro climatic zones in India.
20Directorate of Water Management DWMBhubaneswar1988To develop improved water management technologies for sustainable agricultural production and disseminate it amongst researchers, government functionaries, NGOs and farmers.
21Central Institute of Agricultural EngineeringCIAEBhopal1976To develop appropriate equipment and processes for modernization of agriculture utilizing animate and mechanical power sources, To develop technology for reducing post harvest losses and add value to agro-produce through processing.
22Central Institute of Brackishwater AcquacultureCIBAChennai1987To conduct research for development of techno-economically viable and sustainable culture systems for finfish and shellfish in brackishwater.
23Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureCIFAOrissa1949To conduct investigations for a proper appraisal of inland fisheries resources of the country and to evolve suitable methods for their conservation and optimum utilization.
24National Bureau of Plant Genetic ResourcesNBPGRNew Delhi1976To serve and promote the scientific cause and advance academic interests in the field of plant genetic resources, both in India and abroad.
25National Dairy Research InstituteNDRIHaryana1923To enhance animal productivity and also to develop cost effective technologies for the benefit of the teeming millions.

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