Friday, 15 February 2013

Health And Medicinal Research Centers In India

 S.No.Health and Medicinal Research Center Location Year Of Estb. Objective
 1 All India Maleria Research Institute New Delhi 1977To find short term as well as long term solutions to the problems of malaria through basic, applied and operational field research.
 2 National Tuberclosis InstituteBangalore  1959To develop a nationally applicable tuberculosis control programme on a community basis and to train the key personnel to execute this
programme in the states.
 3 Indian Cancer Research CenterMumbai 1952To carry out mission-oriented research and development on cancers prevalent in the Indian subcontinent, and where there are internationally competitive opportunities, will use state-of-the-art technolog.
 4 Indian veterinary Research InstituteMukteshwar (H.P.), Izzatnagar (U.P.)  1889To conduct research, provide postgraduate education and transfer of the technology in all areas of animal sciences with emphasis on animal health and production, etc.
 5 Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research Jamnagar (Gujarat)2006-07  To establish a quality Ayurveda Institute for providing value added and globally relevant education based on eteral human values.
 6 Vallabh Bhai Patel Chest InstituteDelhi  1949To conduct research on basic and clinical aspects of chest medicine, to train post graduates in Pulmonary medicine and allied subjects, to develop new diagnostic technology and disseminate scientific knowledge related to chest medicine. 
7Haffkine InstituteMumbai1899to support the Learning Community, Faculty, Researchers and Scientists in their day-to-day information needs, to collect, process, organize and disseminate the scientific information in Print and other media in the field of Biomedicine and allied subjects, etc.
 8 National Institute of Communicable DiseasesDelhi  1963To provide training, service and operational research in the field of communicable diseases and their prevention and control in the country. 
 9 School of Tropical MedicineKolkata  1921 To provide research modules in the feild of medicine in tropical and developing countries.
 10 Central Leprosy Training and Research InstituteChingelpet  1955To provide diagnostic treatment and referral services to leprosy patients, training aspects of leprosy and its control.
 11P. G.I. Medical Education and ResearchChandigarh1962
To provide high quality patient care, to attain self-sufficiency in postgraduate medical education and to meet the country’s need for highly qualified medical teachers in all medical and surgical fields, etc.
 12National Institute of NutritionHyderabad1918To study the health-related nutrition and food hygiene problems and to train nutrition and food hygiene specialists.
 13National Institute of Occupational HealthAhmedabad1969Epidemiological and environmental monitoring and corollary toxicological studies in hazardous occupations for recognition and evaluation of risk factors, development of tools for early diagnosis of health impairment and design of appropriate intervention measures for the prevention of hazards at work places., etc.
 14King Institute of Preventive Medicine
Guindy (Chennai)
1899To revive the manufacturing unit according to GMP norms utilizing it as a common facility for the production of Anti snake venom, cholera and Typhoid Vaccine, etc.
 15All India Institute of Hygiene & Public HealthKolkata1932To deliver  integrated occupa- 
tional health care programme by conducting short term certificate course in occupational health and safety for the medical/non-medical personnel attached to different industries, research studies in the field of occupational health and safety, etc.
 16Indian institute of health management researchJaipur1984Organization and management of health system based on primary health care with particular emphasis on district health system in urban and rural areas.
 17Indian Council of Medical ResearchNew Delhi1911To augment the national capability strengthening of the institutions involved in both basic and clinical sciences in the country, etc.

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